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博彩网址大全,我们相信St. 路易 thrives when all of its community members have opportunities 为了健康、教育、住房和就业. 博彩网址大全的研究人员正在参与 社区合作伙伴寻求更公正和公平的圣. 路易为所有人.

Three researchers and the Vice President of D大学和社区参与 describe the role of community service and collaboration, as well as 博彩网址大全’s Jesuit Mission, 在研究和与St. 路易社区.

研究 at Saint 路易 University is not limited to labs and classrooms. 博彩网址大全的使命 places an important emphasis on service and social justice, particularly for the most vulnerable members of our community, empowering researchers to take their work out 从实验室到圣. 路易社区.

“We as a university, I as an individual, have a responsibility to keep for people 谁住在这个空间,谁的生活受到影响,”他说 乔纳森·史密斯博士.D,多元化和社区参与副总裁. “The thing that gives me joy in the midst of all that is to be at a place like Saint 路易 University, where that mission—social, educational, intellectual, spiritual—all 那是在演戏,每天都在驱使着我.”


“In the traditional sort of research practices, we conduct research and publish and 就这样,”诺米博士说.D.他是博彩网址大全教育学副教授. “这是 not the model that we need if you want research to make improvements.”

Nomi’s own research focuses on college and career readiness in high school students. After noticing that many students who failed algebra in eighth or ninth grade did not graduate from high school, Nomi’s team examined ways in which schools organize 说明,注意哪些模型更成功. 诺米也成功了 与圣. 路易斯公立学校解决大学准备问题.

“We have this indicator called the On-Track indicator for whether students graduate 不管是不是高中毕业的,”诺米说. 有了这个指标,学校 能预测哪些学生可能需要额外的支持吗. 诺米希望使用 of tools such as this will help schools and districts to create support mechanisms 对于有风险的学生.

What really makes her research successful, Nomi says, are the relationships that the School of Education has developed with schools and with the St. 路易社区. In 除了Nomi的作品,教育学院还有 PRiME中心, an independent, nonpartisan research center specializing in generating, collecting 传播教育政策研究. PriME中心专注于改进 outcomes for Missouri students and schools, the Center partners with schools throughout 国家协助评估教育项目.


博彩网址大全 researchers such as Nomi cultivate meaningful connections with the organizations 和社区,同时在圣. 路易地区.

“他们通常信任博彩网址大全,”诺米说. “这对这样的事情来说真的很关键 发生.”

基拉·班克斯博士.D., associate professor of psychology, is another researcher working 为和与圣. 路易社区. 班克斯研究歧视的影响 on mental health and has previously done work with the Ferguson Commission, an independent group appointed by Governor Jay Nixon in 2014 for the purpose of examining the social St的情况. 弗格森事件发生后,路易斯地区.

博彩网址大全希望成为解决方案的一部分,”班克斯说. “作为一个机构,我们希望 partner with the community, we realize that we don’t have the answers. 我们可能会 have tools and methodologies and resources that can help to support their work, to evaluate it, to scale it up, but it’s gonna require us all working together.”


研究 at Saint 路易 University brings together experts from a variety of disciplines.

“What I enjoy doing is trying to bring together those who are far afield, who do fine and performing arts, communication, who do social science, who do healthcare, to think 解决问题的新方法,”史密斯说.

与此相一致,班克斯,鲁盖亚·耶尔比,J.D., M.P.H,法学教授,Keon Gilbert, DrPH, professor of behavioral science and health education, Amber Johnson, Ph.D.,传播学副教授 治愈正义与公平研究所, an interdisciplinary initiative to bolster the curation of knowledge and research 因为它与社会不公导致的治愈有关.

博彩网址大全 is really looking to create Institute initiatives where we’ll be working within the community, getting the communities ownership and funding so that they can be sustainable and thriving,” said Yearby, who is executive director of the Institute.


治愈正义与公平研究所 采用以社区为基础的方法开展工作. 研究所投入了时间和精力 work to several key areas of focus, including equity in policy, healing justice and 社区研究伦理.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the disproportionate impact 关于美国黑人 and other people of color, the Institute launched “The Color of COVID” in April 2020. This webinar series brought together researchers, scholars, activists, health care practitioners and community leaders to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic 关于美国黑人. 该系列的所有部分都可以在上面观看 研究所网站.


Learn more about the researchers featured in this video and article.



Banks’ research focuses primarily on mental health as it relates to discrimination 以及非裔美国人的经历. 班克斯的工作是对歧视的探索 以及种族认同. 她曾为圣. 路易斯社区通过她的工作 the Ferguson Commission and continues to do so as the Racial Equity Catalyst for 穿越弗格森这是一个501(c)3法案,专注于在圣路易斯市追求种族平等. 路易.




Interim Vice President, Division of Diversity and Innovative Community Engagement

Johnson’s research interests span a variety of topics including humanizing equity, arts activism, popular culture, identity negotiation, among others. 其独特的 perspective of popular media and its relationship with social justice, race, gender 性可以在各种出版物中找到.

Nomi Takako博士.D.


Nomi’s research interests include a variety of topics centered around urban education 以及高中毕业后的表现.


Inaugural Vice President of D大学和社区参与

As 博彩网址大全's first vice president of diversity and community and engagement, Smith was an advocate for on-campus diversity and cultural awareness and respect. 他有工作 从2002年到2021年去世.

如盖加·耶尔比,J.D., M.P.H.



With a background in biology, Yearby’s research and practice largely focuses on racial disparities in health care and the accessibility of health care to vulnerable populations. Currently, she is a 研究 Consultant and Board member for the Investigation Conceptions of Health Equity and Barriers to Making Health a Shared Value, Robert Wood Johnson 基金会.

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